Every company faces greater challenges in the providing the best online security and goes an extra mile for their customers. Software companies offer their products customers all over the world. That includes different distributing channels, direct online sales, affiliates, etc. There is an obvious question here: how could a software company guarantee it·s product integrity and authenticity, when having such a large distribution network? How could consumers be sure if they are not buying a counterfeit or a hacked piece of software? Answer: Certificates that digitally sign software solves the authenticity issue and assures buyers for purchasing a genuine product.
When buying software from a physical store, the source of that software is obvious. When buying online things are a little different. Consumers do not trust distribution sources that easily anymore. Every company, planning of selling their software online, take the risk of the software being hacked, tampered or changed in some way. The Code Signing Certificate informs the consumer for software authenticity, software integrity and publisher·s corporate identity.